
Showing posts from May, 2023

How To Get Your GMRS License from the FCC

A GMRS license is one of the only deals you get from the federal government. It's  $35 for 10 years and  covers you, your wife, kids, step kids,  grandkids,  parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, nieces, and nephews. This is an excellent guide on how to get your GMRS License from the Arizona GMRS Repeater Club Here's the link  How To Get Your GMRS License from the FCC   The My GMRS web page has lots of good information on GMRS and a repeater guide listing repeaters by state LINK The Las Vegas GMRS Facebook page is another good place for info LINK  


  HOW TO CREATE AN EMERGENCY PLAN USING GMRS RADIOS The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines to create a plan for local emergency communications using General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) radios. We recommend that you print this document and the webpages referenced, purchase your radios, and begin to practice with them as soon as possible. It is Lealso wise to take notes on any videos you watch. An index is provided on page 6. Important : We explain why GMRS is a good option for many people, however, learning to use radio technology is by nature a very self-directed effort. Unlike cell and landline phones, there are no technical support groups to call about programming or using your radios. Further, GMRS radios are not considered ham (amateur) radios because they operate on different frequencies and under different Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations; therefore, most ham radio clubs do not directly support GMRS. Please carefully consider these factors b...

Las Vegas Monday Night GMRS Net

  Every Monday around 100 people with GMRS licenses check into  an emergency communications net at 7:15pm.  The Las Vegas GMRS group is a place for Licensed GMRS operators to share anything related to Radio communications. To grow and learn in this Hobby we all like so much Monday Night Net is at 7:15PM on   462.625/462.625 MHz with a ctcss tone of 141.3 .

Dolan Springs EmComm Emergency Communications Group

We depend on our cell phones for so many things today, but what if they fail? You need an alternative means of communications in case of an emergency. We live in a rural area with limited resources, emergency communication is a critical aspect of any community plan. It's even more important in small communities like Dolan Springs, Meadview, and White Hills where residents know each other and rely on each other during emergencies.   The key to effective emergency communication in a small community is preparation and planning. By taking the time to develop a communication plan and establish a communication plan, you can help ensure that our community is prepared to respond quickly and effectively to any emergency. D evelop a communication plan and e stablish a communication network using satellite internet, ham, GMRS and FRS radios that would allow residents to communicate with each other and with emergency services during an emergency. Find community members who are willing to ...